Going Greens gypsum helps plants absorb the plant nutrient and stimulates root growth. Improves soil structure and fruit quality. Prevent crusting of soil and aids seed emergence.Improves water infiltration and movement through the soil profile. Helps reduce phosphorus runoff and erosion. Improves acid soils and treats aluminium toxicity.
Going Greens rootex hormone powder grows plant from cuttings. Suitable for rooting house, foliage, tropical and hardy ornamental plants.Use on leaf, greenwood and softwood cuttings. Take plant cutting, usually 4-6 inch step cutting, dip the lower inch half of cutting into the water. Stir the stem in the powder shake to remove the excess powder & plant immediately in moist soil. For fast root development, try using Going Greens Exclusive Potting Mix for Seeds & Bulbs Germination.